Bien évidemment, mettre comme advesaire un super Sonic a un protagoniste super sonic semble couler de source car c'est un moyen de confronter le protagoniste principal a un adversaire à sa hauteur. Play Sonic Adventure 2 (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es) game that is available in the United States of America (USA) version only on this website. Sonic Adventure 2 The Trial is English (USA) varient and is the best copy available online. Connections to a GBA (emulated via VBA-M) to enable play of 'Tiny Chao Garden' does work as of the VBA-Link updates. Sonic is back to save the world! Sonic Adventure. Music from Detroit: Become Human, Spider-Man PS4, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations, Sonic Forces, Doctor Who, and other sources have been implemented into the game! Play Sonic & Knuc. The world can be a confusing and dangerous place, especially when there are two of you! Sonic Adventure 2 Battle ISO file is available in the Europe version at our library. Download the Sonic Adventure 2 (E) ROM now and … The Sonic series takes to the track in the combat racing game, Sonic Riders.